

Our Worship

As Lutherans, worship is central to all that we do, and it is no different here at St. Timothy’s. We gather each week on Sunday morning at 9:30 am, to listen for God's word in Holy Scripture, partake in Holy Communion and give thanks for what God has done in our lives.
Being Lutheran is being liturgical. We sing not only hymns but parts of the liturgy. Lutherans have a pattern to the service. We GATHER by using a call to worship, remembering our baptism or confess our sinfulness and receive the forgiveness. We listen for God's WORD proclaimed in Holy Scripture. We share in a MEAL together at the Lord's Table. We are SENT into the world to share God's grace and mercy to all.
For Lutherans, music plays an important role in our services. At St. Timothy’s we have a two manual pipe organ situated in the back balcony and a piano in the sanctuary; both lead us in our hymns and liturgy. The music in our worship services helps to reflect the nature of the day.
As a church within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), we welcome all to worship with us; and we welcome all to the Lord's Table to share in Holy Communion with us.

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